Publishing date:
This article was originally published: April 2013
It may therefore be that some links do not work anymore.
Het Malabar- Radio Kootwijk Project 2013
Op zondag 5 mei 2013 is het precies 90 jaar geleden dat in de Malabar Kloof (40 km zuidelijk van Bandung van het voormalige Nederlands-Indië) door de Gouverneur Generaal Dirk Fock de Langegolf Telegrafieverbinding met Radio Kootwijk officieel werd geopend.
On Sunday, May 5, 2013 it is exactly 90 years ago that in the Malabar Gorge (40 km south of Bandung of the former Dutch East Indies) by the Governor General Dirk Fock the Long Wave Telegraphy connection with Radio Kootwijk officially was opened.
Radio Malabar:
Dit jaar (2013) is het 90 jaar geleden (1923) dat de eerste radio verbinding via de langegolf werd gemaakt tussen Radio kootwijk (Nederland) en Radio Malabar, Nederlands Indië (nu in 2013 de Republiek Indonesië).
De afstand was destijds enorm namelijk zo’n 12000 Kilometer, destijds een record.
In 1917 stond er al een radiostation voor draadloze telegrafie op de langegolf op de hoogvlakte Malabar, maar het duurde tot november 1919 voor de eerste seinen uit Nederlands-Indië in Nederland werden ontvangen.
English version:
This year (2013) it is 90 years ago that the first radio connection was made over the longwave radioband between Radio kootwijk (Netherlands) and Radio Malabar in the Dutch East Indies (1923) and nowadays (2013) the Republic of Indonesia.
The distance was then enormous namely about 12,000 kilometers, then an absolute record.
In 1917 there was already a radio station for wireless telegraphy on the long wave band on the plateau Malabar, but it took until November 1919 for the first signals from the The Dutch East Indies were received in the Netherlands.
Radio Kootwijk:
Radio Kootwijk was in de eerste helft van de 20ste eeuw een belangrijke communicatieverbinding tussen Nederland en zijn toenmalige koloniën.
Op 5 mei 1923 ging Radio Kootwijk officieel in dienst gesteld.
De geschiedenis van Radio Kootwijk is uitgebreid beschreven, zie hieronder voor de websites.
English version:
Radio Kootwijk was in the first half of the 20th century an important communication link between the Netherlands and its colonies.
On May 5th 1923 Radio Kootwijk was officially opened.
The History of Radio Kootwijk is described in detail, see below for the websites (mostly in the Dutch language).
Websites in the Dutch language:
- Official Radio Kootwijk website: Radio Kootwijk (PCG) “een dorp tussen Zand en Zenders”
Op deze site is veel informatie te vinden over radio Malabar en Radio Kootwijk, zie het venster rechtsboven met “… en Bandoeng” - Radio en radioamateurs in Nederlands Indië: Bandoeng…
- Eerste radio-verbinding (radio Malabar) 1923:
- Radio Malabar: Herinneringen aan een boeiende tijd 1914 – 1945
- Het nieuws van de dag voor Nederlands Indië: Zaterdag 4 juni 1927 een krant in PDF vorm
- 5 Mei 1923: Radio Malabar wordt geopend Uit: Radio Malabar, Herinneringen aan een boeiende tijd 1914 – 1945 (PDF)
Websites in the English language:
- The Malabar Blog: THE MALABAR PROJECT. This is a very important website !!
- Malabar, Indonesia: Wikipedia
Websites in the Indonesian language:
- Tourism in Malabar: Potensi WIsata Gunung Puntang / Mountain tourism potential Puntang
Photo Websites:
- Photobucket: Radio Malabar
- Flickr: Radio Malabar
- Source: Fotocollectie Het Leven (1906-1941) van Spaarnestad Photo Vonken zender gebouwd door Telefunken.
Foto (Photo) van de sterke boogzender van Radio Malabar in Nderlands- Indië, die de uitzendingen met Nederland tot stand bracht. Bandoeng, 1927. Fotograaf onbekend.
Documentary Video Trailer:
There is a Trailer on YoyTube of a Documentary that contains ‘Radio Malabar’ in it. Turns out that it’s a trailer for a documentary movie about RM. The creator is an art student named Efan Kusuma Putra.
U P D A T E S:
- February 18: Message from the webmaster Endro Purwanto from the Malabar website:
At Tuesday, 12nd February 2013, three members of The Malabar Project (Myself, Endro Purwanto, and Agus Gunarso) came to visit the Netherland Embassy in Jakarta. That was as a result of quite a few exchanges of email / Facebook messages to just about anyone. There was a time when my searching of contact to the embassy seemed to get stuck. I didn’t know who else to ask for, until I browse through thousands of my Facebook friends, and then I found an old friend when I was a student in Padjadjaran University. She was Myra Junor, and she introduced me to Mrs. Suni at Erasmus Huis, which is a Cultural Center of the Embassy.The aim of the visit was clear. The Malabar Project asked for support from the Embassy for the commemoration at 3, 4, and 5 of May 2013. We have sent the proposal previously through email, and when we were at the Embassy, we discussed the proposal with the Director of Erasmus Huis: Mr. Ton van Zeeland.
As a result of the discussion, we were asked to revise the proposal and submit it as soon as possible. As I am writing this, the revised proposal is undergoing review. Let’s keep our finger crossed for the success of this event.
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