Update April 2021:
100th SSB-Radio amateur broadcastUpdate Februari 20 2021:
The website has now switched to https. Again this caused problems, including the propagation page that needs to be fixed. Some hyperlinks don’t work because these sites don’t work with https yet. If you discover a broken link, report to PA2OLD!Update Februari 17 2021:
It turned out that more pages were out of order, hyperlinks broken, videos and images disappeared, etc. A few more pages that I have to check and fix and then I hope that the entire site works again.Update Februari 12 2021:
After a long time the website repaired and updated.
Update Januari 6 2019:
Ham Radio equipment News updateUpdate May 19 2018:
New TeamSpeak Server,
see under Media for IP address.Update September 4 2017:
Rondes / LogsUpdate Juni 15 2017:
Home page under Short News:
Intruders op PI2NOS en het ATPropagation:
Lightning radar Source: www.weerslag.nlWetter Online
Heavy Weather warning:
Categorie archieven: Photo / Video
PI4NYM RTTY bulletin 1988
PE1FIB: Zoekende naar, voor mij calls uit het verleden, probeerde ik eens PE1FIB, Wim die samen met Louis PE1ITX destijds wekelijks het PI4NYM RTTY bulletin verzorgden. Wim is helaas overleden maar ik vond op de website van PA2P een leuk … Lees verder
Ham Walter Cronkite (SK)
Amateur radio: The Radio Amateur world by Walter Cronkite (SK 2009). Walter Cronkite explains in this YouTube video what Ham Radio is, and why he is (was) a ham. Source: Video found on the tomintexas YouTube channel
Space Station Live and NASA channel.
NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV Direct from America’s space program to YouTube, watch NASA TV live streaming here to get the latest from our exploration of the universe and learn how we discover our home planet. L i … Lees verder
Agentschap Telecom in beeld
Agentschap Telecom in beeld: De bedrijfsfilm van het Agentschap Telecom van 8 juli 2010. Radiocommunications Agency: In the dynamic field of electronic communication, Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands is responsible for obtaining and allocating frequency space and monitoring its use. As a … Lees verder
Radiation or electromagnetic fields
Publishing date: This article was originally published: January 29 2013 It may therefore be that some links do not work anymore. Radio-waves: Straling of elektromagnetische velden zorgen ervoor dat het dagelijks leven met radio, televisie en mobiele telefoon (zendamateurs) mogelijk … Lees verder
Historic Radio Video’s
Historic Documentary Videos: There are some remarkable videos about our radio hobby, but most interesting are the historical film recordings. These videos shows how radio communication, radio amateurism and the radios and transmitters in the past looked. Er zijn enkele … Lees verder
Gerrit PAØGO
PAØGO: PAØGO (SK) was a well known radio amateur from the city of Arnhem in the Netherlands. I found a small video about him on YouTube, the video was probably recorded in the late eighties. He was talking with Mike … Lees verder
Amrato 1995
Info: This notice is in the Dutch language because this is only intended for the Dutch amateurs. It’s about the radio amateurs and the Amrato Hamfest in 1995 in the Netherlands. TweeVandaag: Verslag Amrato 1995: De lezers van het bekende … Lees verder