Update April 2021:
100th SSB-Radio amateur broadcastUpdate Februari 20 2021:
The website has now switched to https. Again this caused problems, including the propagation page that needs to be fixed. Some hyperlinks don’t work because these sites don’t work with https yet. If you discover a broken link, report to PA2OLD!Update Februari 17 2021:
It turned out that more pages were out of order, hyperlinks broken, videos and images disappeared, etc. A few more pages that I have to check and fix and then I hope that the entire site works again.Update Februari 12 2021:
After a long time the website repaired and updated.
Update Januari 6 2019:
Ham Radio equipment News updateUpdate May 19 2018:
New TeamSpeak Server,
see under Media for IP address.Update September 4 2017:
Rondes / LogsUpdate Juni 15 2017:
Home page under Short News:
Intruders op PI2NOS en het ATPropagation:
Lightning radar Source: www.weerslag.nlWetter Online
Heavy Weather warning:
Auteursarchieven: pa2old
Dommel Retriever
Dommel: Dommel, een Golden Retriever is onze hond, maatje, vriend van Isaac (onze kleinzoon) en familielid. Hij is geboren op 14 oktober 2015 en komt van Dutch Consolidation. Dommel heeft zijn eigen email adres: Hieronder enkele video’s en hier … Lees verder
Sankyo TC-520
Cassette recorder: Vintage cassette recorder with Philips drive mechanism. Brand: Sankyo TC-520 made in Japan. De recorder works but needs a new belt.
Interesting development
Publishing date: This article was originally published: January 16 2015 Interference: In the neighbouring countries of the Netherlands, Great Britain and Germany, interesting things are going on. It has to do with the interference that cause PLC (BPL), on the … Lees verder
Heil Sound
Publishing date: This article was originally published: October 19 2014 Heil Sound: Do you know the microphones and headphones of Heil Sound? Did you know that the man behind the Heil Sound Manufacture, is a very active radio amateur? His … Lees verder
Publishing date: This article was originally published: May 14 2015 Flagcounter: Unfortunately the Flagcounter no longer works. Here a picture of May 2015 when the number stood at 175 countries.
New Audio Mixer
New Audio Mixer: For streaming the audio channels and audio for UStream, I used a small Behringer mixer, namely the Eurorack UB502. But with the limited number of channels that this mixer has, it was always a compromise. So time … Lees verder
First Intercontinental analogue Repeater
Publishing date: This article was originally published: June 14 2016 Intercontinental analogue Repeater: The Netherlands has now the first intercontinental analogue repeater. For nationwide coverage the repeater PI2NOS uses 17 receivers, all on 430.125 MHz (one in Belgium) and 3 … Lees verder
Info: This post is in the Dutch language, because it is intended for the Dutch amateurs and deals with the callsign rules. Roepletters melden: Volgens mij is er een wijdverspreid misverstand: wanneer moet je de roepletters noemen. Regelmatig hoor ik … Lees verder
Repeater Policy
Info: This notice is in the Dutch language because this is only intended for the Dutch amateurs and is about how radio amateurs have to behave on a repeater. Ruim 55 repeaterbeheerders hebben een website gepubliceerd waar radiozend-amateurs worden … Lees verder
Lezing: ‘Teerose op de Veluwe’
Publishing date: This article was originally published: March 18 2016 It may therefore be that some links do not work anymore. Info: This post is in the Dutch language, (although some links are in English and one in German) because … Lees verder