4/6 meter SSB Radio

Publishing date:
This article was originally published: October 22 2013

According to The Four Metres Website there is a dual band radio for 4 and 6 meter band.
It would be a Noble Radio NR-6N4, a new 4 meter and 6 meter dual band radio.
It covers 50.0 MHz to 52.0 MHz and 69.9 MHz to 70.5 MHz and the modulation is CW and SSB.
Power is up to 20 W PEP.
The price range would be around 800 US Dollar.

(The link to the picture and this site no longer work.)

Copyright: NOBLE RADIO website 2013

Source: The Four Metres Website and Noble Radio

Over pa2old

I'm a licensed Radio-amateur since 1982 (Ham Radio) PA2OLD https://pa2old.nl - I like Hi-Fi, modern but also old record-players and tape recorders.
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